Facilitator Training Session in Office

Frequently Asked Questions


Is Investment Management and ILM the same thing?

The Investment Management Standard is the investment shaping and decision-making approach developed and used by the Victorian government as well as other organisations in jurisdictions across Australia and New Zealand. https://www.dtf.vic.gov.au/infrastructure-investment/investment-management-standard   The Investment Management Standard is known as ILM or Investment Logic Mapping in New Zealand.  https://www.treasury.govt.nz/information-and-services/state-sector-leadership/investment-management/better-business-cases-bbc/bbc-methods-and-tools/investment-logic-mapping 

Our training is appropriate for IMS applications in Australia and New Zealand.

Is the Investment Management Standard just for government?

The processes and practices used within the Investment Management Standard are useful for private and public sector organisations, academic institutions and not-for-profit organisations. The thinking and methodology  aims to help organisations direct their resources to achieve the best outcomes from their investments. A tightly focused, structured set of conversations with the right people about a significant need/problem, the benefits that need to be delivered and shaping options and a preferred solution is  critical to smart decision-making for all organisations. 

Do I need to have facilitated a workshop or know anything about IMS/ILM before the training?

You don’t need to facilitate IMS workshops or do a lot of work before attending the training. All the key aspects of the IMS will be covered. However doing some early pre-reading outlined in our communications with you (after you book in) will help you to get the best out of the course.

Invoicing and Payment and Cancellation

What if I start a course and then can’t complete it?

We will make every effort to assist you with getting some coverage of the course content that you have missed but we won’t be able to reschedule you or offer you a refund.

What if I book a course and need to cancel or postpone it?

We understand that things happen so….

If you are unable to attend the course you have booked into you can transfer your booking to another staff member or colleague prior to the start of the course. Just let us know. There will be no charge.

However, if you need to cancel or postpone your course (and can't find a replacement):
•    More than 10 business days notice, there will be no charge. We will look to find another suitable course or you will receive a full refund of your payment.
•    Between 5-10 business days notice, 75% refund of the full course fee or 75% credit can be applied to a new course
•    Less than 5 working days notice, 25% refund of the full course fee or 75% credit can be applied to a new course.

What happens if a course is cancelled?

Course cancellation is a very rare event!

However,  if we have to cancel a course due to unforeseen illness of the facilitator  OR if there are fewer than 6 registered training recipients within 10 business days before the scheduled course we will notify you immediately and any registration fees already paid for the course will be fully refunded, or transferred to the next available course upon agreement with the you.

Do I have to pay online or can I request an invoice?

You are able to book into any course using  credit card payment, electronic funds transfer,  request an invoice or pay using  paypal. If you need an invoice simply select this payment option. You will be booked into the course and an invoice sent to you as part of the booking process. Payment should be completed prior to the start of the course


What is the Accreditation process and is this part of the training?

The accreditation process is separate to the IMS training program.  They are, however, VERY closely aligned so that the training will allow you to be better prepared for accreditation. The accreditation process is outlined here https://www.dtf.vic.gov.au/investment-management-standard/investment-management-facilitator-training-and-accreditation

Accreditation will be granted when:

  • at least three ILMs have been received, with two being of the required standard;
  • investor feedback indicates the established approach is being followed; and
  • Investment Management team has reviewed all submissions and deemed them satisfactory.
Do I have to be fully accredited facilitator to facilitate a Problem Definition or other IMS workshop?

Technically you do not have to be accredited to facilitate a Problem Definition/ILM workshop. However,  in many instances organisations will make a decision that they require an accredited facilitator for more complex investments or those going through  the full business case process.  For smaller or less complex investments organisations may feel that someone who has completed training is a suitable option or even someone who has simply read the materials. The skills required to facilitate a Problem Definition workshop well are much better developed if the facilitator is accredited and has done the training.  Training helps to maintain the integrity of the workshop conversation and the outputs of each workshop.

I’ve just finished training so how can I facilitate workshops to get enough to have for the accreditation process?

Many people look to work with internal colleagues/customers on internal business challenges and  less complex investments as they develop their skills and build experience.  Similarly, community groups e.g. Tennis Club or Kindergarten committee are often happy to take advantage of the IMS process even if the facilitator is not fully accredited.  This provides you with the opportunity to build a selection of workshops and ILMs that might be suitable for submission 

What is reaccreditation and how often do I have to do it?

To remain accredited when the 12-month accreditation period expires, facilitators must submit at least one investment logic map (ILM), ILM quality assessment form and the facilitator feedback form, within the three months of accreditation lapsing.

These documents will be assessed with written and verbal feedback provided by the facilitator accreditation provider Innox Solutions (Eldar Salkovic). Subject to the quality of the documents, additional examples may be required.

If your documents demonstrate that the standard of an accredited facilitator has been met, accreditation will be granted by DTF for a further 12 months.
If these steps are not satisfactorily completed, your name and consultant profile will be removed from the accredited facilitator website.

What does accreditation cost?

Typically the accreditation process involves 3 or 4 submissions at a cost of $350 (ex GST) per submission.

How long does the accreditation process take?

Typically accreditation takes between 3-6 months depending on your progress and access to suitable workshops to develop Investment Logic Maps for submission. 

Keep upto date with the latest course dates as they come available.
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